F3GROUP was established in 1982 and has offices throughout the UK including London, Gatwick, Manchester and Dublin. As a strategic and professional development manager, F3GROUP were looking to partner with a web design agency that could deliver.

The creative process

The Bigger Picture team took a short trip to London and held a workshop with key project stakeholders. Delving into F3Group’s brand, audience and objectives, we started work on their value proposition, messaging and user journey’s.

Once a strategy was in place our web design team created homepage prototypes followed by a fully bespoke design system using Atomic design principles. This methodology of design allows us to create a set of design building blocks, giving us way more freedom vs traditional templates. Calling on various ‘blocks’ of design means every page of the site is optimised around the content, all managed via Alfred, our Laravel based CMS.

f3g design system

The techy bits

When it comes to web development our team take no shortcuts and pride themselves on delivering award-winning code. Injecting CSS into HTML, implementing image source sets alongside technology like ImgIX, and optimising every bit of code, gave us a Google Page Speed Score of 100/100. Go Us!

Integrating our code into Alfred for powerful content management provides F3GROUP with all the functionality they whilst keeping the code as clean as on the day we hand-coded it. 

F3GROUP Speed Test

The Result

A totally bespoke design, lightning fast performance and code built to last and easily adapt. We look forward to continuing our relationship with F3GROUP with on-going analysis and optimisation.

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